Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We had a very mellow New Year's Eve. We hung out here and had Chinese food ("get it, Chinese New Year?") I thought I was clever! :) We made party hats out of construction paper and bendy straws and then at 8:00 pm, we marched outside and screamed Happy New Year and banged our drums and the kids thought it was a blast. Then we came inside, had some cider and then tucked the kiddies into bed. Rob and I then played Wii and Uno , ate ice cream, and watched the craziness on the strip on T.V. It was a struggle for us to stay up that late, but we did it. We were asleep by 12:15 though, completely out. I made the kids 2009 french toast this morning. The picture is kind of hard to see, but I made the numbers out of powdered sugar. Texas toast french toast is an awesome way to start off a New Year, if you ask me.


Ryan and Laura said...

Did Rob tell you that he saw us at the Chinese place? It's a tradition in Ryan's family too to eat Chinese on New Year's Eve. Glad we have some company on that one. Next year we should enjoy Chinese together.

Steve and Rebecca said...

How fun! I'm sure your girls loved the party hats! Looks like you had a fun Christmas too!