Monday, January 5, 2009

1:00 Church

1:00 church. No naps. Fast Sunday. This is going to be a long year!


Steve and Rebecca said...

1 pm church is TERRIBLE with little kids!!

Emily B said...

We have 1 pm this year too. Last Sunday was a nightmare. I don't think my kids will ever adjust.

Kenna said...

Hi Adrienne, I saw your blog on Christa Sargent's blog and thought I would take a peek! =D I don't think you are alone. We have had the same poses two weeks in a row.
I am so excited that you signed up for the Prophet books. I hope you guys will have a great time making them.

Nadia said...

oh man, that's a horrible combo. Even I fall apart with the church no food and no nap combo. Good luck!