Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jolee's first day of preschool

My little girl is getting so big. Jolee started her first day of preschool on Tuesday and was so excited. When I asked her what she was going to do in class, she said, "Paint, Paint, and Paint." I am so weird about messes that is one craft project I rarely let my girls do. So she was excited about the painting potential of preschool! She is going to a class here in Mountain's Edge. A girl from our ward is teaching it in her home. She is very well qualified and taught elementary school for many years. It is a good match for us. I just can't believe she is going to kindergarten next year. Where does the time go? But for now, I am just enjoying my 6 hours a week with just 2 children. Who would have thought that 2 kids would feel like a walk in the park.

1 comment:

Jamie Lynn said...

I can't believe how big she is getting! Crazy! They really need to STOP growing, it's too fast! She looks so grown up with her little outfit and backpack.