I was visiting Universal Studios with my parents in 2003 and met Jay Leno. I was on Jay Walking and pretty much made a fool of myself. I was just being silly. They asked, "Where do they speak Gaelic? I said San Fransisco." My Jay Walking encounter turned into me flying to LA to be on Jay Walking All Stars, where I won! :) Anyway, I had forgotten about my 5 minutes of fame until last when my friend Sesily called me and said, "You were just on Jay Leno!!!" Last night was the last episode and they were showing the Best of Jay Walking. Yours truly made "The Best Of"! :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Jay Walking
I was visiting Universal Studios with my parents in 2003 and met Jay Leno. I was on Jay Walking and pretty much made a fool of myself. I was just being silly. They asked, "Where do they speak Gaelic? I said San Fransisco." My Jay Walking encounter turned into me flying to LA to be on Jay Walking All Stars, where I won! :) Anyway, I had forgotten about my 5 minutes of fame until last when my friend Sesily called me and said, "You were just on Jay Leno!!!" Last night was the last episode and they were showing the Best of Jay Walking. Yours truly made "The Best Of"! :)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Happy Memorial Day!
"I'm just a kid!"

This was Taylor's response for me getting upset with her yesterday. She was eating lunch and I looked over at her and she had ranch dressing all over her face and in her hair. I said, "Oh my heavens Taylor!" and she responded with, "I'm just a kid!"
Taylor, a consistent Ranch fan, same look just two years prior! :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Swimming Saturday
What a fun Saturday spent at my Dad's pool. The girls love swimming around and Mikey is learning to love it as well. We swam for 4 hours, then had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, and then put the kids to bed at 6:30 pm. Rob and I then had our "at home" date night and caught up on a much overloaded DVR. Ending the day with Desperate Housewives and Lost Finales, Ice Cream and my Hubby. It doesn't get much better! :)
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jolee truly does say the darndest things. I am always telling Rob and my girlfriends about the funny things she says. She is a very witty 4-year-old. My friend Kelli Black said that I could make a book of JOLEE-isms. She has shot off a couple of gems this week. I don't want to forget them. So I am going to share them with you.
1. "Mommy, How come your hair is two different colors? It is skin color and brown."
2. "I always walk sassy when I have my swimsuit on."
3. "The other day, when I was supposed to be napping, I was looking at myself in the mirror and I brushed my bangs over to the side and I look so cute with no bangs." (We are growing them out)
4."I am going to put my shoes on, Just for in case."
I posted this with a picture of my little toddler Jo Jo , who is now a sassy-walking, bangs-growing 4 and a half year old Jolee. Where does the time go?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Lion King

Jolee and I went to see the Lion King last night. It was amazing! Jolee really wanted to go and so I was planning on taking her for her birthday in September. I asked her, "Would you rather have a birthday party or go see The Lion King?" She choose the latter. Then last week, Rob won tickets by signing up on some radio's website. We were so excited! Jolee wanted to wear a dress, she picked out this one and said, "This is good for a date." How cute is she? The show is incredible! Go see it and tell me that you don't get choked up when they sing, "The Circle of Life." What a fun night!
Friday, May 15, 2009
I Passed!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Rob!
Happy Birthday to my sweet husband! His present was a road bike. He was so excited. He says he won't wear spandex, but I give him 3 months! :) We went to sushi last night and Rob was surprised to see so may of his friends there waiting for him. What a fun night. Check him out with the mountain bike cake I made him! It was good, even though it turned my teeth blue! :) Happy Birthday Honey! I love you so much and I appreciate all that you do!
Mother's Day Weekend

My sweet husband turned Mother's Day into the whole weekend this year! How lucky am I? We woke up Saturday morning and went to our favorite breakfast spot Cracked Egg. We then did some shopping and I picked out some new jammies for Mother's Day. I also got a book called Love the One Your With by Emily Giffin. I have read all of her novels, they are just fun summer reads. So I was excited about that. After shopping, we went swimming at my dad's house for 4 hours! The kids were having so much fun that they cried when we finally pulled them out. We bought Mikey a little baby floatie and he swam around the whole pool by himself, his little chubby legs kicking away. It was precious. After swimming, we stopped by Sonic for some ice cream and to let the kids burn off some more steam in the bounce house. By the time we got home and showered, we were all exhausted. I fell asleep at 7:30! Sunday morning, Rob let me sleep in until 8:00, which gave me over 12 hours of sleep! Rob made pancakes and the girls gave me the presents we had bought the day before. Jolee gave me a special card she made at preschool. It said, "I love my mommy because she lets me bake cookies, lets me vaccuum with her, and she gives me hugs and kisses." She drew a picture of me giving her a hug. It was so precious. Definitely something I will cherish forever. Church was a joy on Sunday, Rob was such a great help with the kiddos. Rob cast his magic spell of Mikey and let me hold a sleeping baby in Relief Society. After church, Rob grilled some delicious chicken and shrimp kabobs. We then went over to the cemetry to wish Grandma a Happy Mother's Day. We finished the day with a Family Home Evening and homemade strawberry chocolate chip ice cream. What a great Mother's Day weekend.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Am I a bad Mom?
Jolee's preschool had a field trip to the Natural History Museum (i.e. Dinosaur Museum) today. The girls were having fun and Mikey was enjoying all of the sights, until we came to the life size roaring T-Rex. I have included Michael's Before Roar and After Roar face. Now the question is, Am I bad mom that I took a picture of him crying before I picked him up to comfort him? Or is it just that he is my third child?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cowboys in the Park
After the Race for the Cure on Saturday, we stopped by our Mountain's Edge Park for a Western Fair they were having. We bumped into our very talented friend Marissa Moss there and she took these adorable pictures of Taylor with the cowboys. Jolee was being too shy, even though it is her life goal to become a Sprite drinking, Pink truck driving, Coyote attacking Cowgirl. These are all things she has used to describe her future career aspirations. Michael was not liking it, especially when an old Cowboy roped him. Not fun for a one-year-old, but plenty of fun for the family.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Big Kid's Club
Family Luau
My in-laws held a Family Luau at their home on Saturday night. What a fun excuse to get themed out, spend time with family and friends, and eat yummy food. My panipopo was a hit (thanks to Karen and the Relief Society cook book). The kids had fun playing with their cousins and I enjoyed a nice warm night with my family.
Race for the Cure
We participated in the Race for the Cure again this year. It has become a fun tradition for our family. My sweet Dad had shirts made for all of us with pictures of my mom on it. It is so amazing to see so many people out to support breast cancer. I got teared up a few times seeing women in all their bald headed glory walking a 5K. That is true courage. It was inspiring! What a fun day, I hope to able to participate with my family for many years to come!
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