Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Would You Do?

Have you ever seen that hidden camera show on Dateline? They put people in crazy situations to essentially see what they would do. I am the person watching thinking I'm opinionated and a little sassy, therefore I would absolutely intervene. Well on Monday waiting in the doctor's office, I was encountered with a crazy situation, that could only be the cause of bad parenting or a sting operation. I was sitting close to this teenage boy with a fussy baby on his lap. The baby, no older then my little Mikey, started to cry. He yells in the baby's face, "Shut the F*** up!" I look up horrified, while everyone else continues to read their magazines. I say, "You can't talk to a baby that way. I am going to call Child Protective Services on you." So this very eloquent teen yells at me, "F*** you B*****, call the F*** whoever you want." My face turns bright red and I am shaking and on the verge of tears. Remind you, that everyone else is acting like nothing is going on. At that exact moment, the nurse calls me back. I am still very upset and tell her and the doctor what had just happened. The doctor marches out to the waiting room to confront this model citizen and he is met with F bombs galore. Can you imagine? He got an attitude with me, just a random woman, but the swear out a doctor in a lab coat? Now that's a class act. The kid ended up getting kicked out of the office and I think the police were even called. Crazy day! broke my heart. If someone is going to yell such horrendous things at a baby in public, what are they doing in private? Anyway...I hope that you will all be a little sassy and stand up for what is right. We have to our children are growing up too quickly in this scary world.


Sesily Lee said...

You did the right thing. DOn't woory I'm sure the doctor took care of calling CPS. It's nice you were in a place where you were protected. Who know what would have happened if you would have been somewhere else! And my dear little Cohen is a monkey and that ok I love him that way! Ella is one too. Monkey's are Cute, loveble, and sometimes wild!I can't say there is an animal cuter then a monkey too!

Ryan and Laura said...

Way to go momma! I always think I'd do something like that but you actually did. You are absolutely right that our sweet little ones need all the love and protection they can get in this crazy world. Your kids sure are a good example of being loving :) Good to see you yesterday- and Tyler kept asking for the "girls" all the way to Ryan's work.

SP said...

Good Job Adrienne I really don't get those people who just look the other way and not care about that baby's safety. I have also been in a WWYD situation where I had to call the police cause no one else would. It's pretty sad when you come across others who don't strive to be a "Good Samaritan" Love Ya!

elise said...

wow! good for you. you totally did the right thing.