Thursday, June 25, 2009

Papa's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my amazing Father! The girls are giving him birthday hugs!

Great Grandson

Some more pictures that Melissa took of my Grandparents with their Great Grandson. I will treasure these forever!


My Grandparents came down from Rexburg for Father's Day weekend. My Dad had this vision of 4 generations (My Dad, My Grandpa, Rob, and Michael) hands together. Melissa Brown took these pictures. Didn't they turn out amazing? Can you tell whose hand is whose?


Taylor came downstairs in this little number. I love the randomness of it all. Witch hat, lei, hula skirt, bracelet, Snow White shoes, and a Super Hero cape. I love my Tay!

One year older and wiser too!

I turned 27 on June 16th. Why is 27 so much older than 26? I had a wonderful birthday. Rob took the day off and made me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. The whole fam went to see a movie, went to lunch, and then I got a pedicure. Then that night Rob and I went to dinner at Town Square and I went shopping with my birthday money. What a fun day!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Rob and I took the kids to see Up last night at the drive in. I am convinced that it is the best way to see a movie, with kids atleast. Back of your car, comfy clothes, yummy snacks that are allowed to be brought in, your kids can be as loud as they want, and the best part it was only $12 for the whole fam! For two movies. We didn't quite make it to the second movie Night at the Museum, maybe next time. What a fun night spent with my cute family!

Best Game Ever

My girls came up with what I am calling the "Best Game Ever" yesterday. They were pretending that I was the Evil Stepmother and that they were Cinderellas. I had to tell them what to do and what to clean, in a mean voice, and it got done! Beds made, playroom cleaned, toys put away, floors swept, you name it. When they would finish a task, they would say, "What shall we do now Stepmother?" Officially the Best Game Ever! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

In with the New

A couple of week ago, the girls broke the T.V. So we used it as an excuse to get some new things. Rob picked out the T.V. and mounted it (He is so handy) and I picked out the new furniture and picture frames. My friend Melissa Brown took all of these pictures, aren't they beautiful? I love new decorations. Makes my heart happy! :)

Don't you love Curious George on the TV?

Preschool Graduation

Jolee did it! Much stress, hard work, determination, and dedication went into Jolee's preschool graduation. Jolee got an award for "Listening and Following Directions". Very proud. Here she is at the Preschool Graduation/Pool Party with her cute teacher Mrs. Turley. Jolee is going to be in Elementary School in less than 3 months! Yikes!

Oscar Buzz?

There had better be a Oscar nod for this gem! :) I was very brave yesterday and took all of my kids to a movie by myself! I had been promising Jolee that I would take her To Hannah Montana for her last day of preschool. Then yesterday, Rob had to work late and I figured I would just duke it out with three kids. Everyone was actually pretty good and I enjoyed the craziness. I think it is cute and sad that my girls like Hannah/Miley...oh and Taylor Swift who made a cameo and the girls went crazy! They are growing up too fast!

Shark Reef

The girls and I went to the Shark Reef on Tuesday. It was fun to spend time with just the girls. It was so fun and educational. Did you know that an Octopus can open a jar to get it's food out? And who knew that Taylor would be the brave one when it came to petting sting rays? Jolee is definitely her mother's daughter in that department! My camera's batteries died at the Reef, bummer!